Italforni S.r.l., a company operating in the ceramics sector since 1977, led then by ing. Leone Padoa and managed today by the actual President Pietro Mazzacani, has achieved excellent results in the field of design and construction of kilns and dryers. The experience gained in almost forty years in the ceramics sector gives Italforni the title of specialized company concerning drying and firing treatments for ceramic products. The company from Formigine represents now a guarantee for customers who require optimum solutions for drying or firing processes. Unlike other companies in the same area, which tried to differentiate their products in order to “attack” a larger slice of the market, Italforni has deemed necessary to increase its specialization on thermal processes of ceramic plants, remaining one of the few companies capable of providing a complete and highly specialized service in this field. The purpose of Italforni is responding to the needs of that customer, large or small, who needs a supply of confidence that can help in the two fundamental processes (firing and drying) of a production line of tiles (single firing, double firing, third firing or special pieces). Roller kilns and dryers are sure the two main products of Italforni, but the company doesn’t limit its proposal to sell new machines but also provides support services for repairs of obsolete machinery, implementations for improvement of thermal efficiency on existing kilns driers or simply offers systems designed for energy recover and, therefore, save energy. For all that concerns in kilns or dryers, Italforni is able to offer a solution, a product, a service or even simply a consultation. The customer finds in Italforni a reliable and confidential partner in case it is necessary to find a specifical technological solution for his product and with guarantee that his know how will not be immediately exported to other potential competitors. Being a company not too large, Italforni is able to define highly customized machineries, tailor-made for the customer according to his requests. This is not an insignificant matter, considering the variables that may force the customer to request something out of standard.